Nelson Eddy – March 6…died 42 years ago today
Nelson Eddy…No other words necessary, I guess, for those who loved him, his music, his films.
More photos at this link.
Nelson Eddy…No other words necessary, I guess, for those who loved him, his music, his films.
More photos at this link.
Hi again! As I promised you yesterday – there is more exciting news. There was a NY connection made on the cruise that has resulted in Hallie and Ted now setting up a New York debut for their show about Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy‘s off-screen love story: “A Scandalous Affair.” There will be one performance, Sunday, April 19, 8:00 pm. How does it benefit Jeanette and Nelson? Let’s put it this way – the positive publicity for them and their story will be priceless. Already certain press events are being set up as I write this that will be amazing. And there will be celebrities there. (Don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted.) How does this event benefit me personally? Well, I’ll be doing a book signing at the end of the show. How does it benefit the Mac/Eddy Club? Again – more positive publicity about our group and also – an opportunity to set up an entire Mac/Eddy weekend on April 18-19. We’ve already heard from people on the west coast that are going to fly in for the weekend. I’m working to set up an affordable hotel so that those of you that want to stay overnight can all book in the same hotel. And if you need a roommate to help with costs, we can work to arrange that as well. News on this front will follow in a day or so, as quickly as I can get the logistics set up. Just put aside the weekend if you would like to attend. I think we will hold a special club event in conjunction with the performance, either on Saturday or Sunday day – or both, since the show is Sunday evening. Later on, I’ll get your input on what kind of activities you would like for the two days, so we can plan accordingly and make this a really super weekend!
Because this all came up so quickly and unexpectedly, Hallie is scrambling to handle the costs for the hall that have to be paid in the next 48 hours. This will be a major club event to introduce the Jeanette and Nelson story to the opera-loving and theater-loving audiences in the New York region. Due to the positive effect it will have for us as a group, I am asking you to directly help Hallie. Do what you can, no donation is too small. If you can manage $50 or $100 or even more, that would be great. Donors will be acknowledged in the show’s program (space permitting) and/or on our website. If you want to remain anonymous, please let Hallie know when making your donation. If you want your donation in honor or memory of someone, also let her know.
Please read Hallie’s email below. Then contact her immediately, either by email, phone or use the handy Paypal donation button.
Hello all! It’s taken me a couple of weeks to “recover” from the Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy cruise, get my life caught up to date and now I’m ready to get back to my normal Mac/Eddy schedule! Pictures to follow…I’ll let you know where and when they are uploaded.
Let me say that we knew the Valentines’ Week Cruise would be wonderful but it apparently surpassed everyone’s expectations because by the second day, folks were already asking when the NEXT one would be scheduled!
We had planned to screen three full-length movies but I brought a lot of other “short subjects” just in case. It was a good idea, since it quickly became evident that three days of Mac/Eddy events planned was not enough for our gang. Many of them had been on several cruises and had no interest in the port excursions. Others were physically unable to participate in excursions. And even those that went on excursions wanted more Mac/Eddy time! So, we arranged for a private lounge to set up more morning screenings on port days. The ship was pleasantly empty those days and so it was more leisurely for us! After meals, some folks met up in a somewhat quiet area of the Lido dining room to continue chatting and visiting. We learned a lot about each other’s lives, dreams and goals.
K.T. Ernshaw’s talk was an eye-opener for the group, most of whom had never met her before. She was especially candid and answered questions that she had not previously discussed on a public forum. As soon as I can figure out how to get the video uploaded, I’ll let you know the link so you can watch it.
For many, meeting Ms. Ernshaw was a highlight. There is no better way to “research” for yourself whether Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy had an off-screen relationship than to talk to one of their friends, who was there in those years, and actually discussed it with Nelson at the time. In fact, Ms. Ernshaw’s decision to leave the U.S. and study acting in London was based in no small part on the fact that by 1949, Nelson was going through emotional turmoil with Jeanette and there looked to be no end in real future with Nelson. His life was too tangled emotionally. So apparently Ms. Ernshaw finally headed to London the following year without knowing that the Jeanette-Nelson breakup was “final.” Ms. Ernshaw was a young woman with her life ahead of her…would she have left America for 8 years had she known that Jeanette was soon to be out of the picture…at least, for the time being?
If I may digress for a moment, that is why I find it particularly sad that some folks questioning the Jeanette-Nelson relationship, didn’t avail themselves of the opportunity to meet Ms. Ernshaw. Hallie Neill, who coordinated and booked our cruise, later told me that one woman contacted her, saying that she and others were interesting in joining the cruise but could the part about the Jeanette-Nelson relationship be left out? These are the same folks that loudly proclaim there is no documentation or evidence that any Jeanette-Nelson affair ever happened, or that none of my sources are alive and therefore I made up all the quotes, etc., etc.
The musical production of “A Scandalous Affair” as an eye opener as well. The cruise group director saw one rehearsal and realized this was a class act with excellent singers. She immediately began to help us promote the show on the ship, informing a senior’s group and others about the show which took place on Thursday afternoon. In a lounge that held 400 or so people, it was very well attended. Afterwards one woman came up to tell me that this was the best event she’d attended on the entire cruise! I asked her to pass that on to the cruise group director who was standing right there – and she did. Brownie points for us – it was a real success!
That evening, we adjourned from dinner to another lounge for a book signing and CD signing (of “A Scandalous Affair”). It had been a long day with a screening of “Maytime” in the morning, the show’s rehearsal, the show itself, and me typing up programs and other notes on my laptop that had to be printed for the show. I sat by myself for a few minutes in the lounge before our group started trooping in. It was one of the few moments I had to sit quietly by myself. Awhile later Hallie and Ted joined me. Hallie was at last able to relax, with the show behind her. We talked about all the hard work it took to put the cruise together. We watched our group now filling the room, sitting together, chatting and laughing, good friends now. I watched people that had been very shy at the beginning now outgoing and beaming…just a pleasure to observe. Hallie and I discussed it and decided yes, this trip was really worth it.
Our last day at sea, Saturday, Darryl Winston worked with the other singers and put together an entertaining show of singing, comedy and anecdotes. He himself was a bit under the weather, suffering from an allergic reaction that gave him sinus problems. But always a trouper, he rose above it and sang a few numbers along with singers Maria Nazarenko, Carrie Renwick and Liz Wells. We will upload this show for you as well to watch.
Raymond Hughes, the excellent Metropolitan Opera pianist, accompanied both musical shows. He was not really a Mac/Eddy fan before the cruise. He had also never seen “Maytime,” so we all joked that he was a “Maytime” virgin. (He loved it, obviously.) After watching the films and asking questions along with everyone else, it wasn’t long before he felt compelled to read “Sweethearts.” Took it back to his cabin and later told me he stayed up half the night reading it and couldn’t put it down. For me, that was a validation that Jeanette and Nelson still sell themselves as artists – all one needs to do is watch a movie or two and you’re hooked! The off-screen story just adds to the interest.
One exciting outcome of the cruise was Hallie was a connection made that would allow “A Scandalous Affair” to have its New York City debut on April 19. There’s more exciting news about this but this post is lengthy enough so…watch for an from me tomorrow morning. In fact, there’s a lot going on right now, so stay tuned!
For those of you on the Carnival Cruise inquiring about the show “A Scandalous Affair” based on the book “Sweethearts” by Sharon Rich, here is the info.
Here is the link for more ordering and more information about “A Scandalous Affair.”
Here is the link for the book “Sweethearts.”
A quick hello from an internet cafe on the island!
We’re having a great time…watching Jeanette and Nelson films, singing and preparing our talent show with the singers on our cruise, and just hanging out, swapping stories and eating 10 meals a day whether we need to or not!
I’m enjoying seeing that some of the first-time cruisers who were a bit timid on the first day – are now “part of the group” – laughing and making new friends. It’s just as I hoped it would be!
More updates and posting of photos later…or when we return. The internet connection is V-E-R-Y slow onboard so may wait till Sunday to give you pix. I have to say, it is a wonderful thing seeing Jeanette and Nelson on the big screen on a cruise ship. But very, very satisfying!!!!!!!
Talk to you soon.