And the winner is….[Help us choose a new book cover design!]
Update May 1st, 2013: Based on your response posted here in comments, on Facebook and the now hundreds of emails I’ve received on the topic of the new cover design, the clear winner is:
Of course, all of the covers received tremendous support and valid comments as to the pros and cons. We will be using some of your favorite other shots on the back cover of the book as well.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this survey.
And, as requested, I am looking into the option of offering a few different covers for the collector who would like them all. Stay tuned!
Update April 19: At the moment the 5th cover option is the winner by a long shot. However, since a few people have requested we try the candid of Jeanette and Nelson together during “Smilin’ Through,” I’d like you to take at look at the new 6th cover. If you had to choose between cover #5 and #6, which would be your favorite? Please take a look and leave your feedback either as a “comment” to this post, or email us with the link below.
Next year marks the 20th anniversary of the publishing of the book Sweethearts. We are surveying with you for a new cover for the next edition (designed by our wonderful graphic designer Don Schumann). (And yes, we are preparing a Kindle edition as well for later this year.) Please look at the photos below (you can click on them to see them larger) and email us which choice you would like for the cover…or if you have a couple of favorites, let us know which ones you like, in what order. Do you prefer using any photos from the current book cover? Or, if you have any comments about a different photo or design to use, let us know that as well. Thanks for your input!

Cover #5 below.
Cover #6 below