Jeanette MacDonald Nelson Eddy: “I Married an Angel” on TCM March 18!

Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy fans: Tivo/DVR/VCR alert! Or – just watch it!
Their last film together, I Married an Angel, will screen on TCM on March 18, 2010 at 1:45 PM Eastern Time.
While general audiences didn’t know what to make of this “out there” comedy when it was first released in 1942, the sophistication goes over better today. Plus there’s awesome singing in it!
Watch for the scene early on when Jeanette MacDonald, in a homemade angel costume, hesitantly attempts to give Nelson’s character a birthday kiss. She leans forward, then Nelson Eddy the prankster crosses his eyes at her, which you can’t see. But you see her eyes following his for the moment and then she breaks character and laughs. It’s a gem…and thankfully director Woody Van Dyke left it in the film!