We get emails…
I just want to thank you for continuing to supply all their internet fans with the info you do! I have loved her since I was a little girl. Those days have, of course, gone by, but my love of her talent and beauty live on………. I was thrilled to be able to record the recent marathon on TCM…. I wouldn’t have been able to do that without your help.. While I love ALL her work, I really was disappointed they didn’t show Girl of The Golden West.. It is one of my very favorites.. When she sings Shadows on the Moon, I about melt.. And I really love Who Are We To say? … I have looked and looked but have never found Shadows on the Moon available as a recording.. I have all her movies on VHS but none on DVD……… The host of TCM channel says they are often asked to show her movies even though she has been gone so long. If you are that someone who requests her movies, could you please ask them to show that movie for me? I really appreciate all your effort to bring her and Nelsons fans information which helps keep them alive in our hearts. Bless you, Theresa Haines
My response to Theresa and anyone else who would like to “nudge” TCM about showing more screenings of their films, doing an 8-DVD package of all the Mac/Eddy films, having me on as a guest with Robert Osborne prior to the TV film showings, having one or more of the 8 movies re-released into theaters for one day, etc., etc. is the following:
Contact the following person rather than TCM (they will refer you to him anyway) and make the requests yourself. They are used to the Mac/Eddy fans being vocal and persistent. So, keep it up! 🙂
George Feltenstein
Senior Vice President
Classic Catalogue Marketing
Warner Bros
4000 Warner Blvd
Burbank CA 91522
Phone: 818-954-6000
email: george.feltenstein@warnerbros.com
PS: When the American Film Institute (Eastern headquarters) had a week-long Mac/Eddy film festival back in 1994, they had me do talk before some of the screenings. That week culminated with the book release party for Sweethearts. I have also done this at other Mac/Eddy conventions for many years. It’s fun!
September 2, 2012 @ 9:22 pm
At TCM on 24 September “Girl of the Golden West”.