Jeanette MacDonald & Nelson Eddy: Live tweeting a week in the life of a film historian!

Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy fans: Join me for a week of live-tweeting of what it’s like to be me – a film historian researching and interacting with anything and everyone that can provide more information about – you guessed it – Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy!
I meant to start this on Saturday while in Altoona, PA, for the performance of “A Scandalous Affair.” The Mishler Theater there has the original chandelier used in the 1937 Jeanette-Nelson movie Maytime. The story of how the theater got this amazing piece of movie history was what led to the show about their lives being produced there. Anyway, I attempted to take a photo of the chandelier with my new phone camera but was all thumbs attempting to upload the picture as a tweet. There was so much going on that I never had a free moment from them on to try to tweet anything. But…considering that some very awesome stuff has happened since then, I’m going to return to the original plan and fill everyone in.
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