am looking forward to hearing all the news about jeanette and nelson. thank you for keeping those of us not able to attend the event in the loop. you and katie are wonderful to share your research with us. i look forward daily to reading your blurb each day. enjoy your day and thank you.
Deepest condolences to all shared a wonderful friendship with Bernadette; she certainly left her mark. How pleased Jeanette & Nelson must have been to meet her. Hope this note gets to you (tried last night) & it didn’t appear today. Am hoping to learn FACEBOOK; am not a computer guru. Thank you, Sharon, for ALL YOU DO to lead us in all things Jeanette/Nelson. Some of us gets attend many meetings, tho. How do we learn about whatever secrets you’ll be revealing at the next two meetings? Love and Thanks, Eileen
April 23, 2016 @ 2:55 pm
am looking forward to hearing all the news about jeanette and nelson. thank you for keeping those of us not able to attend the event in the loop. you and katie are wonderful to share your research with us. i look forward daily to reading your blurb each day. enjoy your day and thank you.
April 27, 2016 @ 8:49 pm
Deepest condolences to all shared a wonderful friendship with Bernadette; she certainly left her mark. How pleased Jeanette & Nelson must have been to meet her. Hope this note gets to you (tried last night) & it didn’t appear today. Am hoping to learn FACEBOOK; am not a computer guru. Thank you, Sharon, for ALL YOU DO to lead us in all things Jeanette/Nelson. Some of us gets attend many meetings, tho. How do we learn about whatever secrets you’ll be revealing at the next two meetings? Love and Thanks, Eileen