And more letters…

As the numbers dwindle each year of those people who were alive to see the on-screen magic of Jeanette and Nelson when their movies together were first released, it’s interesting to note how many fans realized this wasn’t “acting” even then. Today, younger generations experiencing the films speak right up and say “of course!” But back then while a romance was rumored, it was loudly denied by both the studio. And later the tabloid press in the post-MGM years kept quiet, as reporters were paid NOT to leak the story. – Sharon

dear friends it is such a short time since i’ve been to your wonderful page and i miss u all so much. i just watched the jean and brian aherne love story [Smilin’ Through (1941)] that transcends almost all love stories except that of jean and nels our dear sweethearts who carry springtime in their hearts past life itself to beyond time. this is such a touching story and film that renders tears from even the hardest soul whether in heaven or hell. i guess my age makes me even softer than i was when a young boy reaching into manhood and saw this wonderful movie oh so very many years ago. you’re right, sharon, their love story far reaches in the very, very souls of any human who is both loving and understanding in life and its tribulations. i love them both he for singing and being so wonderful all those magical years of togetherness, and sadly the fruits of their love perished in a couple of ways, children and patience. it wasn’t till it was far too late that their minds and bodies were ready once again to venture into a final and lasting love that would have endured the essence of life itself. ah sweet mystery of life at last i found you, only to lose you due to sad mishaps and turmoil that besieged us. your essence still lives and will never be forgotten for as long as people and lovers exist throughout eternity, dear hearts. but take pleasure that  your hearts live in all the hearts of warm-hearted people who, once touched by in your movies of stories, will never forget and never be the same. xo

gianni envoi