Above: A perfectly posed 1948 publicity shot of Jeanette MacDonald in her home, holding an open scrapbook showing her engagement party to Gene Raymond. The beautiful oil painting on the wall above her is the one whose fate we are wondering about.
Just thinking about what will become of the painting of Jeanette MacDonald that hung in her home for decades…
When she died – or rather, after Blossom’s death, as I remember, Gene Raymond gave it to the Motion Picture Home. My memory on this is a little fuzzy but I remember it was hanging near the galley in the main hospital building.
I am sure (or rather I hope) it didn’t remain there permanently…surely they could have found a more prestigious place for it than the kitchen. I always wondered why Gene didn’t make a stink about it. Maybe he thought it was amusing?
Anyway, who knows where it ended up or where it will go next if/when the Motion Picture Home closes?
Any leads…let me know, OK?