Remembering Nelson Eddy (1901-1967)

March 6th is the anniversary of Nelson Eddy’s passing at age 65. As he had wanted, he literally did sing till he dropped.

He was onstage in Miami about to sing a solo number, his “private moment” with Jeanette MacDonald, who had passed two years previously. Every season of his nightclub act, he chose a special song that had meaning for them, had the spotlights turned off so he couldn’t see the audience, and sang his chosen number.

The 1967 season began in Australia, with Bob Hunter replacing Ted Paxson as Nelson’s accompanist. Hunter reported that for the 1967 season, Nelson’s “private number” was “Last Night When We Were Young.” Upon returning home to the United States, Nelson had a couple weeks break and then headed to Miami to continue his tour.

Here are the lyrics to that song; one can easily understand why it had such meaning for him.

Last night when we were young
Love was a star, a song unsung
Life was so new, so real, so right
Ages ago last night

Today the world is old
You flew away and time grew cold
Where is that star that shone so bright
Ages ago last night?

To think that spring had depended
On merely this, a look, a kiss
To think that something so splendid
Could slip away in one little daybreak

So now let’s reminisce
And recollect the sighs and the kisses
The arms that clung
When we were young last night