
Mac/Eddy Today has been published since 1977! This award- winning glossy, photo-filled magazine has been called “the most beautiful magazine of its kind” and features rare photos, candid shots, interviews with friends, enemies, fans, co-stars, co-workers, family and confidants. Many of the complete interviews or research that was briefly quoted in the book “Sweethearts” is presented in its entirety in the magazines. Each magazine is printed on glossy stock with a gorgeous color cover!

Only a few of the back issues are still in print; we have 6 or less copies for many of the older issues. The original glossy magazines are very collectible, so grab them while you can!

All the other out-of-print issues can be ordered in the new book compilations (4 magazines to a book), complete with their color covers. You can order them here.

And finally – if you want the complete body of research, you can also order a full set of all the issues at a special price!

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