Jeanette MacDonald Nelson Eddy Homes Driving Tour, June 26, 2010
This post is for Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy fans that are joining us on Saturday, June 26, for our driving tour. If you need more info about our weekend events, check out this link.
Please make sure at least one person in your car downloads these attachments/directions so you have them at hand during the driving tour. You might also want to print this page and the three maps shown below.
1. The biggie – complete itinerary. Download Driving Tour Directions
2. Tour etiquette and Information. Download Tour Etiquette & Info
3. Directions back from Isabel’s beach house to her home in Westwood (which is 5 minutes away from Jeanette’s Wilshire Comstock, the final stop on our tour). Directions: Porto Marina back to Wilkins
NOTE: Some people want to cram in as much sightseeing as they can, particularly visiting the graves of Nelson and Jeanette. The best way to do it is to visit Nelson on Saturday prior to the driving tour (as you’ll only be a few miles away from our starting point) and to visit Jeanette Sunday morning before the luncheon at Sportsmans Lodge. On Sunday as you drive back from Forest Lawn, you can make a quick stop en route to Sportsmans on S. Mariposa St., where Nelson boarded his horse and had a small hideaway home for himself and Jeanette. If you want to see the graves plus have a mini-Hollywood tour as well, please download the following items:
4. Download Itinerary: If you want to visit their graves
5. Download Driving Directions Forest Lawn to Mariposa
6. Download Driving Directions from Mariposa to Sportsmans Lodge
7. Optional: If you want to go directly from Forest Lawn to the luncheon and skip Mariposa, Download Driving Directions Forest Lawn to Sportsmans Lodge
Please note that I have not included directions to the cemeteries. This is because I don’t know where you will be driving from. So, below are general maps showing where they are. You can click on them to see larger photos.
Where Nelson is buried:
Where Jeanette is buried:
Details of the Mariposa home area:
Important Printouts for the June 26 Driving Tour!
Hi – the details of our June 26 driving tour can now be downloaded. Please make sure that one person in your car has a printout of everything at this link:
Mac/Eddy 2010 Driving Tour Directions and Instructions!
This tour is open to anyone that is attending our Sunday luncheon at Sportsmans Lodge. Tickets are still available – I prefer that you pre-pay them online at this link:
June 27 Birthday Bash tickets!
If for some reason you have trouble ordering your tickets online – then please email me with your reservation as to how many people you will be bringing to the meeting. You can pay at the door.
Email Me
See you this weekend!