A “Music Healer” uses Jeanette and Nelson songs…
Sandi Kimmel is a Musical Motivational Speaker, and mentions on her blog: “Of course, I also love singing with people who are not moving on but staying here. I love how the music makes their stay better and lighter and filled with healing energy. For example, Anne is an 84-year old friend who is bedridden with degenerative osteoporosis resulting in compression fractures in her spine. A once-spunky lady, she was wilted and depressed when I started visiting her. While she enjoyed my songs and my singing, I felt that something wasn’t clicking. One day, I asked her what kind of music she liked and she started singing a Jeanette MacDonald song. I asked her husband if they had a tape player but the antique machine he produced barely worked. I bought them an inexpensive stereo cassette player and put it next to her bed. Then I went through their tape collection and put ones I thought she’d like within her reach. Since that day, she’s been singing non-stop with the Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy tape, happy as a lark with a voice to match. And yes, she’s been feeling much better lately, too.”
April 9, 2008 @ 10:38 pm
hi i had to comment on this too- when my mom was in the nursing home and out of it-we made cds and video tapes of jeanette and nelson movies- they played the movies in the day rooms- and oh how the poor souls reacted- ones that did not speak were trying to sing-my mom loved it and so did all the others- another man who sat and satared sang and sang knew all the words to “rosemarie” and then went back into his shell after the music and movies were over-
i donated them to the nursing home after mom passed they made such a difference-and younger nurses and aids there never of course heard of them but they remarked-some of the duest sounded like a disney movie-so music is very powerful- i know i perk up or calm down when i hear my favorite music especially jeanette and nelson’s-this was a lovely story and a nice person to take the time to investigate and do this-bernadette